Thursday, December 22, 2005

Respect and trust

Most people know that I counsel focusing SME's efforts on manufacturing. Yet, it is worth noting that in the recent transit strike in New York, the greatest problem noted by workers was the lack of respect and trust between management and workers. This perception is supported and documented by the unusual number of grievances and disciplinary actions among workers, management and the union. The cost? Millions. How many times is the same equation seen in manufacturing organizations?

You might want to take a look at "Charting A Wiser Course: How Aviation Can Address the Human Side of Change." It's available on, with Search Inside the Book. It confirms the need to operate with trust, mutual respect, and integrity - and leads the reader through a personal journey on how we got into this mess, where we are, and how we can get through it together. Our experience with Delta, Pratt & Whitney, etc. is that the concepts it shares scope out the behavioral changes necessary for Lean Six sigma to succeed, embed, and spread.
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