Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some Phone Call Ideas

A thought occured to me last night as I went through my notes from the Tuesday conference call.

One proposal involved categorizing tools in terms of failure modes and importance of human interaction. I didn't ask at the time; is there a commonly recognized list of tools (and techniques)?

If so, then we might do the following:

  1. Post the list
  2. Pick a tool and find a good web description of it
  3. Announce in advance the link and the night we will discuss it
  4. Provide enough lead time for people to read the description/article
  5. On the appointed evening, spend time doing a SWOT-like assessment of the tool. But emphasize the human dimensions of the tool.
  6. Publish the discussion here for additional comment

This wouldn't have to take the full phone call. A structured 20-25 minute discussion would suffice. And it probably could be every 2 or 3 weeks. We may have to write the article or description first (though I assume we can excerpt some of the literature if it isn't already electronic).

There is a lean glossary on the SME web site ( - the link is from the Lean Mfg Enterprise page.

This glossary is in need of validating and improving. Your plan to discuss specific tools would help make this list of terms better.
Good information, though it is a glossary so there is a mixture of tools and definitions.

For example, voice of the customer is a concept, while QFD is a tool for capturing the voice. Surveys can sometimes get valuable data as well.

For the cut and paste challenged, here's the URL as a link.
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